
New stock every day and week

At this time of year, we can expect anything from one to three deliveries per week, with anything up to 12,500 items per load. As you can imagine, this keeps us very busy unloading and organising

Let’s talk Olives…

Let’s talk olives… This week we are talking about all things Olive, these Mediterranean trees are becoming one of the biggest sellers on the nursery. They have always been a firm favourite for smaller gardens or in pots to add different foliage to the garden and adding that holiday feel, I have two in my […]

For Future Generations

We are giving away a small Christmas Trees ready to plant to every customer on the nursery this week and into January 2020 so that you may have a Christmas Tree in your own garden that is decorative and environmentally advantageous and is our way of helping all you guys to make one small change



Our Gift to you

On all orders made online over €100