Prunus Umineko



Frequently Bought Together

Total: 215.50


The flowers of this elegant tree are beautifully snow white, and create a wonderful display in mid-spring. They flower profusely, with soft pure white petals that surround a cluster of long tasseled stamens. With its slender upright habit this is an ideal choice where space is limited and can be grown in a large pot on the patio. This Japanese Cherry Blossom would also make a fine specimen for a lawn or spring border where it can be underplanted with bulbs. In autumn, the normally green leaves turn rich shades of orange to purples, before they drop for the winter.  Eventual height is 6-8metres tall and approximate spread is 3-4metres over a 10-20 year period.

Additional information


10-12cm girth, 3-3.5m tall, Rootballed, 110L 14-16cm girth, 3.5-4m tall, 110L 14-16cm girth, 3.5-4m tall, Standard, 110L 16-18cm girth, 3.5-4m tall, Standard, 110L 18-20cm girth, 4-4.5m tall, Standard, 110L 20-25cm girth, 4-4.5m tall, Standard, 12-14cm girth, 3.5-4m tall, Rootballed, 130L Airpot, 10-12cm girth, 14-16cm girth, 4-5m tall, Rootballed, 16-18cm girth, 4-5m tall, Rootballed, 18-20cm girth, 4-5m tall, Rootballed, 3-3.5m tall, Multi-Stem, Rootballed, 70L 10-12cm girth, 3-3.5m tall, 70L 12-14cm girth, 3-3.5m tall, 70L 8-10cm girth, 3-3.5m tall