Hydrangea paniculata Limelight



Frequently Bought Together

Total: 50.50


In mid summer, when even the annuals are beginning to droop, ‘Limelight’ comes to the rescue, reviving the garden with creamy pistachio-hued floral cones. The show continues on into the autumn  too, when the flowers gradually blush to a rich, deep pink. Fast growing, ‘Limelight’ makes a taller, bushy shrub and like all the Paniculata Hydrangeas, it is outstandingly cold hardy, over-winter.

Plant in a sunny, well-drained spot; some early afternoon shade is beneficial in hot southern regions. Prune in late winter or early spring.

Hydrangeas are at their best in summer and Autumn—a quiet time for most woody plants—and are worth having for that reason alone.


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