Proper maintenance of your product will allow you to enjoy it for many years. You can do this by treating it at least twice a year with our cleaner & protector.
The cleaner removes ingrained dirt, after which, you can apply the protector. This gives the product a new, protective layer of wax to make your product look like new again.
Our cleaner is 100% biodegradable.
Instructions for use:
1. Rinse off the top layer of dirt with water. Note! Do not use a high-pressure cleaner for this. This damages the coating. Clean your product with hot, not boiling water and a clean cotton cloth. Do this in sections, e.g. per side.
2. Spray the product with the cleaner and allow it to soak in for 1 minute.
3. Clean the area you just sprayed with cleaner thoroughly. Use water and a rough brush. Note! Do not use steel wool or a scouring pad. This will damage the coating
4. Rinse with clean water.
5. Rinse the product with clean water.
6. Apply the protector with a soft cloth to provide a protective wax coating.
7. Rub the surface of the product with the soft cloth.
8. Wipe the product with a clean, dry, soft cloth to remove any residue from the product.
Keep out of reach of children