Chamaerops humilis / Mediterranean Fan Palm



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Total: 392.50


Ideal for creating a tropical looking garden space the Fan Palm  is quite hardy, particularly in the south and coastal areas, adding a lush exotic feel to any garden. The silvery-green leaves stay on the palm all year round giving great texture and structure.

Place in full sun, away from harsh winds. It is a great addition to a Mediterranean-style garden, and can be grown in a container located in a bright, frost-free spot for the winter.
It will do well in any well-drained soil. It grows quite slowly and needs little attention apart from cutting off any dead or damaged leaves. Eventually, it will form a well defined trunk.

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10L, 130L 80-100cm multistem, 180L Multi-stem, 40L, 30cm trunk 120-140cm height, 650L Multi-stem, 25L 80-100cm, 35L 100-125cm, 50L 100-125cm