
Planting Packs

We have created exclusive planting packs for our Caragh Nurseries App, the cottage garden, blue and white garden, shade garden and prairie garden. These are some of the most asked about and popular planting schemes that our design team has put together. Of course we’ll continue to add new and exciting planting schemes, beautiful i don’t say so myself these first four are fantastic. We’ve split them into three sections, the plants that should be planted in the front, middle and back of a bed. These can be mixed around and we always encourage our customers to explore new forms of planting, but below includes examples our Garden Designer, Kathryn has given.

Cottage Garden
The concept of a cottage garden follows the guidelines of very traditional planting, with explosions of colour. This style of garden always reminds me of a pretty thatched house, with whimsical planting around.

Planting in the front
Campanula White Clips
Lavender Munstead
Alchemilla Mollis

Planting in the middle
Echinacea Purpurea
Geranium Palustre/Maculatum
Delphinium Black Knight
Lupin Chandelier
Aquilegia Nora Barlow

Planting in the back
Lonicera American Beauty
Buddleja ‘Petite Blue Heaven’/ ‘White Profusion’


White & Blue Garden
The White and Blue Planting Plan is one of our most popular, with quite a structured italian feel that plan can create a low maintenance garden with a mixture of Blue and White flowering shrubs and plants.

Planting in the front
Buxus Hedging

Planting in the middle
Agapanthus (Blue/White)
Delphinium (Blue/White)

Planting in the back
Hydrangea, (Annabelle/Limelight)
Buxus Ball
Bay Ball/Half Standard


Shade Garden
Especially in cities, gardens that are mostly or partially shaded are becoming much more common. We’ve created this planting plan to help make the most of the shade, incorporating deep greens and pops of colour to really brighten up a darker garden.

Planting in the front
Ferns ‘Ostrich Fern’ / ‘Autumn Fern’ / ‘Polystichum’

Planting in the middle
Euphorbia ‘amygdaloides Purpurea’
Dicentra Spectabilis
Heuchera ‘Marmalade’ / ‘Palace Purple’
Japanese Maple
Cornus ‘Controversa’ / ‘Controversa Variegata’

Planting in the back
Viburnum ‘Tinus’/ ‘Tinus Eve Price’
Hakonechloa macra
Acanthus Mollis


Prairie Garden
Prairie Planting isa mixture of flowering perennials and grasses giving larger areas a natural and comfortable feeling. We have split these into three sections, larger grasses, smaller grasses and flowering shrubs to create a sloping effect with varying heights.

Planting in the front
Stipa ‘Ponytails’ / ‘Gigantea’
Stachys Byzantina

Planting in the middle
Echinacea ‘Purpurea’ / ‘Purpurea Magnus’
Rudbeckia Goldsturm
Panicum virgatum Shenandoah
Deschampsia Goldschleier
Allium ‘Globemaster’ / ‘Mount Everest’

Planting in the back
Calamagrostis ‘Overdam’ / ‘Karl Foerster’
Molinia Karl Foerster
Salvia ‘Amistad’ / ‘Caradonna’


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