
Hit Pause – the Caragh Nurseries Garden

Bloom 2022, the return of the biggest Garden Show in Ireland this year and here we will bring you all the information on our Bloom Garden, Hit Pause with designer Andrew Dunne of Andrew Christopher Design.

How do we pick plants and trees that make the cut for a Bloom show garden? Andrew, Ian and I have been monitoring the Rhododendrons that are to be included in the Bloom Garden since February. This is important to make sure that the flowers are vibrant, strong and will come into flower just at the right time. They are just huge, fabulous mounds of foliage and flowers that are at least 1.5metres high and wide but only the two best made the garden and were lifted this week into position, that leaves 10 more available on the nursery of these magnificent plants – that’s the way a Show garden rolls.

Have a look behind the scenes


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