
Mature Trees and Airpots

Earlier this year, in early March we stopped lifting and selling our rootballed and bare-root trees, in most cases, a little earlier than usual as the weathers highs and lows and the highs meant that we have cut slightly short our rootballed season but the good news I that we still had plenty of mature and specimen trees available in airpots. 

Airpots have been created in order to improve the quality and development of roots. For plants to thrive they need healthy roots, for these more mature trees  standard pots can restrict roots over time and this seriously compromises the health of the plant.  Airpot containers do the opposite, actively enhancing the plant by making it develop a mass of healthy fibrous roots. This maximises the ability to absorb nutrients and water leading to faster growth.

Toughly constructed from recycled plastic, Airpot containers can last up to ten years or more.

The main advantage of air pots is the fact that the roots prune themselves once they reach the sides, meaning that there is no risk of roots circling or for them to be bounded to the pot. This also means that there is no need for transplanting due to root bound issues.

The little holes in the side of Airpot material allow air to enter the soil. When air reaches the roots, they harden at the tips, which stops the growth. This allows the plant to develop a root system composed of many small roots instead of a couple of long, spiralling ones. 

While we are proud of our production grown in airpots and we can actively see the results of these trees it would be amazing if we could grow much more of our trees this way but the costs involved int his system make it unviable to do so when the trees are younger, the costs involved would mean the prices would be inflated by as much as 75% and would price us out of the market. Hence why you don’t see these on all our trees produced. We are however using this system for more and more of our mature trees as the percentages work our much smaller and the benefits outweigh the costs.

With a lovely selection of trees including Oaks, Ornamental pears, Maples, Limes and some cherries all available in mature sizes we always have lots of stock grown in this way and they are all just coming into bud and/or leaf and the results are plain to see. 

Our mature tree selection is available year round due to this system and they can be viewed on the nursery and within our Nursery Park too. For those who haven’t seen our Nursery Park already it is a great way to view our more mature in a parkland situation, being able to view the trees from all angles and meander through the Park at your own leisure,  which really is very special to do, its a pleasure and a treat.


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