
Happy New Year

Happy New Year to you all

Christmas came and went and although it was lovely to kick back, turn off all devices and spend quality time with the family, its great to be back doing what we do best Creating Beautiful Gardens.  Sometimes that is just in the trees and plants we grow and other times that is in the gardens we are designing and other times it’s just in the advice that we are more than happy to offer at any time.

The year has started well, our design service is booked up for January and into February so if you would like your garden ready for the Spring and need the help of one of our designers to put your plans together then talk to Megan, our design team co-ordinator on info@https://

We have so many new products ready for launching this year and we can’t wait to show you, new outdoor furniture ranges, new pot and planter collections all exclusively available at Caragh Nurseries as well as so many new plants and Trees including some very special Specimen Trees, the kind you won’t see anywhere else.

Lots more firsts through the next few months but we wouldn’t like to give you too much in one go so for now we’ll leave you with all that and assure you that we are always here for any advice or assistance on the usual contact details and we are always happy to help.

Be sure that we will be sharing with you often both here but more so on our social pages


For now though let me wish you a healthy and happy New Year and look forward to welcoming you to the nursery over the coming months and look forward to having you along for the journey that we are going on over the months ahead.

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