
Gardening is good for you!

What has come from the last ten months of lets face it hardship for lots of people has been somewhat of an epiphany for us on the nursery, with gardens becoming the sanctuary that we need right now and actually enjoying their gardens much more, is just amazing.

With the highest level of restrictions in place and social distancing being a necessity, experts are stressing the importance of spending time outside especially at this time of the year. The relationship between us getting outside, sunlight, oxygen and our mental wellness is nothing new and we also know that time outside is good for us physically, nature and time outdoors is known to reduce anxiety, promote creativity and contribute to heart health as well as weight management and general physical fitness so what better way to do this than to get into the garden. Studies show that 120 minutes a week of gardening will increase our well-being and also create a great sense of achievement.

If you are like me then I just love spending time in my garden but find the temperature at this time of year bracing but quickly getting just a little too cold, short stints seem to work a treat. We also still love cooling and occasionally eating outdoors and again we just put on coats and scarves and light the firepit and there really is nothing better, cooking over coals and sitting around a crackling fire in the garden.

Our other love is cooking in our pizza oven and as I am adding the finishing touches to this, Ian has the pizza oven lit and my eldest daughter is making the pizza dough ready for pizza night before we start preparing for another busy week on the Nursery, stocktake on the cards this week so lots of new additions to this Online Store.


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