
Peter’s Collection Roses

It’s been a strange year for everybody but on the nursery things have continued pretty much as normal, everything carries on growing and all the processes on the nursery still had to be carried out. The only thing that changed was the demand for our trees and plants, it grew and grew and as we felt so grateful for being able to share our love of gardens and plants with all the new and existing gardeners. We have been happy and honoured to share more of our love of horticulture with you.

One of the plants that we haven’t shared enough of is roses so over the last year we have been preparing our Rose collection which is inspired by the original founder of the nursery, Ian’s dad Peter and so we have called them ‘Peter’s Collection’. Peter has been growing and specialising in Roses for so long and he has honed in on the roses that grow best in Ireland and have delivered in so many ways, blooms, scent and disease resistance are all so very important. Longetivity is also so important and Peter shares his little black book of Roses with us and you.

Peter & Breda McGarry

He has picked a range of roses from hybrid teas, floribundas and climbers, shrubs roses and ground covers, here we have Peters. Notes of just a few of his favourites.

Rosa Darcy Bussell is one of the best true red roses available and has a delicate, fruity fragrance. It has a compact, bushy habit and is ideal for growing at the front of the border or in pods, it has great disease resistance.

Rose Princess De Monaco is a strongly fragrant and showy hybrid tea with very large, full light apricot to shell pink bicolour rose, good for a splash of colour.

Rosa Chopin is a fragrant, creamy yellow shrub rose is a strong re-flowering variety, the stems have very few thorns making it a great rose for cut flowers.

Rosa Margaret Merril is a very fragrant white rose, a good vigorous bush rose with great quality flowers. Its flowers grow in clusters with delicate blooms that are exceptionally fragrant another one that is good for cutting.

Rosa Heritage is a very fragrant, pale pink cup shaped bloom, which repeats through until Autumn. Upright, almost thornless stems this is a vigorous and bushy rose.

Rosa Charles de Gaulle is a stunning mauve rose known mainly for its colour that repeat flowers well, its an upright shrub rose that has double flowers mauve through to lilac from Spring to Autumn.

Rosa William Morris is a hardy and reliable rose, anther repeat flowering and has a strong fragrance. It is a tall shrub rose in a double apricot pink colouring with a deep green glossy foliage.

These are just part of Peters Collection of Roses but throughout his collection you will find some of the best roses available to us in Ireland that just work and have done for Peter for many, many years and will continue to do so and being the rose guru that he is, I am delighted that he shared his knowledge and experience with me as well as allowing me to share that with you. He has also shared with us his tips for planting and keeping roses in the best possible condition and these are being shared and linked here


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