We all know how much trees can improve the look of our environment, especially in more urban areas with a wide range of environmental, social and economic benefits. Trees in urban parks have been found to improve physical and mental health, improve aesthetics and environmental quality which has got to be a good thing for all of us.
Planting large and mature trees just speeds up that process, absolutely it is easier and always cheaper to plants smaller trees and we do have lots of options from 6-7ft tall (young trees) but the beauty of a more mature tree is that it has instant appeal, it makes a statement. Depending on the variety of tree it is flowering already, it produced an abundance of berries and they have much more to offer in terms of beauty.
As with lots of our advice we go back to our most common request for trees to screen or block a view or new house (or houses as many of my calls have been today). When we have enjoyed a garden that is not overlooked and without a view straight into your kitchen it is difficult when that suddenly appears and mature and large trees can help you get that back when placed strategically. We have a consultancy service that can help you find the right option for your needs
If you want your mature trees for an avenue, to create privacy or just to add beauty to your garden then here are some of our favourites
Nb. Most of these large and mature trees are grown in our field and as such are only available from 1st November to the end of March, if you don’t see the size you want do contact us for more details of the sizes on the usual 045 879170 or jo@https://https://caraghnurseries.ie/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Populus-termula-1.jpgnurseries.ie/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/naas-racecourse-e1525437359519-1.jpgnurseries.ie
Fagus sylvatica Atropurpurea – Purple Beech Tree
The Beech is large but slow growing tree which colours a beautiful copper in late Autumn, the Purple beech has deep purple leaves that come in Spring that turn copper in the Autumn but the tree does hold onto some of these leaves throughout the Winter until the new shoots force them to fall. Likes well draining soil and does not reach its full height of 12-15m for 50 years.
The beautiful colouring and its ability to give some winter cover make this a great tree for boundaries, screening or avenues
Quercus Suber – Cork Oak tree
The wonderful cork tree is rarely seen in Ireland which is odd because it’s beautiful & easy to grow and reminds everyone of their holiday in Portugal. The Cork Oaks most distinguishing feature is its beautiful bark, Cork and the foliage is light and loose and so takes a back seat to the cork framing it beautifully. This is one of our most mature trees currently available on the nursery and a real stunner.
Most definitely a tree to be shown off, plant as a statement piece and you have ready made Garden art.
Acer Drumondii – Drumondii Maple tree
The Drumondii Maple is a medium growing lime green/yellow variegated leafed tree. It has a medium growth habit with an eventual height of 18-22ft tall. A fine looking tree with interesting foliage and a lovely round crown.
Plant in a way that shows off its stunning colouring, ideal as an Avenue or Street Tree.
Prunus Nigra – Purple Plum Tree
This popular garden and street tree is amongst the first to blossom in spring, with single deep blush-pink flowers followed by dark purple brown leaves and blackish-purple shoots. A stunning small tree with a dense mushroom shaped crown, providing good screening and excellent contrast, with a strong red to orange autumn colour. Imagine a copper beech effect, but on a petite scale, with the bonus of spring blossom.
Carpinus betulus Fastigiata – Upright Hornbeam tree
Upright Hornbeam tree, with its dense foliage, makes a wonderful slender specimen tree. It’s equally impressive when used in a group for screening purposes or along an avenue. The ovate, glossy, deeply ribbed foliage is mid-green turning bright yellows and oranges in the autumn. Long green, spring catkins are followed by winged fruit. It’s extremely tough, making it ideal for exposed positions. Ideal as an avenue tree, great for smaller spaces or to create a formal planting effect, a lovely tree.
Platanus Acerfolia – London Plane tree
Platanus acerifolia is a beautiful stately sight particularly in cities. It is a large, impressive tree often growing up to 30m in height. The most identifying feature is the grey bark which sheds in large plates leaving patches of pale green and creamy yellow fresh wood underneath. It does this as a response to pollution which can clog the pores of the bark.
Its leaves are large closely resembling the leaves of a maple. When young, they are covered in thousands of fine hairs which fall off as the leaf grows. In Autumn, the foliage turns yellows and oranges before falling. Flowers appear as small balls on long stems in Spring, maturing to produce the ‘pom-pom’ seed heads which can be seen on the bare branches in winter.
London plane is the ideal tree for urban locations for many reasons. It is tolerant of pollution, soil compaction, drought and heavy pruning.
Prunus Kanzan – Kanzan pink flowering Cherry
Cherries aren’t usually thought of as mature trees but the beauty of planting these trees at a more mature size is that you get to experience the beauty of its Spring flowering spectacular on a greater scale much earlier. A popular hardy double flowering Cherry tree with an abundance of bright pink double flowers with a height of around 6 metres. The leaves uncurl in a deep bronze colour turning green to orange in the Autumn.
Use this tree in just about any circumstance, I planted these as an avenue effect up my own driveway but look just as stunning with one either side of an entrance or dotted along a boundary or as a one off, showing its glory where you might see it most!
Pinus sylvestris – Scots Pine
I’ve gone with something a little different for this last one, as they are evergreen conifers but they do great a great job as a large or mature tree. Pinus sylvestris is a popular evergreen conifer with blue-green, slightly twisted needles. The trunk is easily recognisable with a rugged texture, turning reddish brown near the top as it matures. Elevated above a tall trunk, sits the bushy, upright crown that is host to dozens of grey-brown pine cones developing from the female flowers.
With a mature height in excess of 10metres, this conifer is suited to large gardens or woodland settings. For a small garden, you may want to look at our other Pine trees. The growth rate of Pinus sylvestris is relatively fast for a conifer making it ideal for screening and as a boundary tree
Caragh Nurseries specialises in specimen and semi mature trees, we grow them, we pot them and sometimes we bring them from our partner nurseries in Italy & Holland. We select the best quality specimen and semi mature trees each season, so you, our customers have the best possible available.
Our highly trained staff and the constant monitoring of all the products on our nursery and available for supply ensure that we have a constant and readily available stock, even if you require larger numbers, so we can deal with any quantity and sizes you require.